Pharaoh Tarot with Butterfly Williams
Pharaoh Tarot with Butterfly Williams channels ancestral wisdom for contemporary times through tarot and oracle card readings. Sit back, relax, and let Butterfly take you a sonic shamanic journey beyond the matrix and into the depths of your soul, revealing insights about how to love yourself and enjoy your life purpose!
Pharaoh Tarot with Butterfly Williams
Moon Wave 10: Secret Love, Secret Wealth!
Butterfly Williams
Episode 10
The Ancestors say you got this! Love sweet love is the key to solving the mystery that prevents the union you seek...
Pharaoh Tarot with Butterfly Williams channels ancestral wisdom for contemporary times through tarot and oracle card readings.
Visit YouTube for the visuals: https://bit.ly/pharaohtarot
Email Butterfly to book a personal reading: pharaohtarot888@gmail.com
THIS READING IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. If you need medical, legal, financial, or psychological advice, please seek professional guidance.